Yoga Teacher Cook Writer

Hello there! 

So you found me, but that begs the question: Who were you looking for? 

It’s not a trick question.

Some people know me as Tom the cook. Some people know me as Tom the Yoga teacher. Click on one of the boxes below to find out more…

Starting with a simple, highly effective method of aligning movement with breath, Astanga yoga can improve the physical and spiritual health of anyone willing to try it….


My cooking is informed by three core principles: seasonality, simplicity and sustainability. These three foundations feed and support one another, just as a good diet can feed and support you….

  • “Tom Norrington Davies writes about food you actually want to eat - and cook. nothing is prinked or preened. His is a friendly, cosy presence in the kitchen”

    Nigella Lawson

  • “Any feelings I had of missing out on not having dined at Tom's restaurant in the past dissipated because Tom prepared restaurant quality, delicious meals from seasonal and fresh ingredients every day. Oh boy, was the food good!"

    Fish Hall Yoga retreat attendee

  • “One of the best classes I’ve ever done at oru space! Tom is such an excellent teacher and having the opportunity to get the 1:1 in a small class and focus on technique and ask questions was great”.

    Oru Space Practicioner

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Astanga Yoga

