
Mysore style Astanga Yoga
is perfect for beginners!

All newcomers to self-practice learn a very simple, straightforward breathing technique and a short, flowing sequence known as the sun salute (surya namaskara). This is followed by some seated exercises and relaxation. It takes between 30 and 45 minutes depending on how long you have. The beginner’s sequence is actually a very complete practice and many people stick to it. From then on in, your practice will grow at a pace to suit you, with held postures and moving vinyasa added each time we meet.

How to get started with Mysore Style Astanga Yoga…

You could throw yourself in at the deep end by coming along to one of my self-practice classes. This is not nearly as scary as you think!

Contact me first to arrange a time and I will make sure you are well looked after. If you’re not intimidated by the idea, this is the quickest option.

Alternatively, you can book a private session with me. We can do this at your place, my place or at the studio.

Before Practicing with me please read the practice guidelines below


  • Wear loose comfortable clothes; the kind that you might use for any sport. Leggings or shorts that allow you to sit cross-legged are best.

  • Ensure that you and your clothes are clean. Ideally, you should wash or bathe before practice. Bring a small towel to classes and group sessions, especially if you are borrowing a mat.

  • Please turn off all mobiles and tablets etc…(or at least put them on flight mode) so that you and your fellow students can practice uninterrupted.
    On that note, in group sessions please be careful not to disrupt another’s practice with too much noise or talking.

  • Avoid practicing on a full stomach.
    Try not to eat for at least 2 hours before a session. It is advisable to drink plenty of water before and after but not during practice.

  • Please advise me of any injuries, aches and pains, illnesses or medical conditions before we begin.

It is important that you feel safe in the practice so please advise me if you wish to learn yoga without physical help (adjustments) from me or my assistants. you never need to explain why and your wishes will always be respected.